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Simon Warren Reviews Borderlands Cycling Climbs

Simon Warren Reviews Borderlands Cycling Climbs

100 Greatest Cycling Climbs book author and app founder Simon Warren is a hardy Struggler, having completed the full Struggle Trilogy of events including Struggle Borderlands. Read Simon's reviews of the climbs below:

Simon says: "Struggle Borderlands takes in some of my favourite 100 Climbs in the Yorkshire Dales National Park including Buttertubs Pass, Fleet Moss and Greets Moss - albeit 100 miles in! Be sure to stop at the feeds to grab a gel; you’ll need it.”


Check out how Simon ranks the Struggle Borderlands climbs and his thoughts on these iconic Yorkshire ascents. Grab a copy of Cycling Climbs of Yorkshire to read Simon's full review of each climb.

Read the full Borderlands Cycling Climb Guide

Tan Hill: 3/10

“Tan Hill is an epic climb by UK standards. Draped like a ribbon across vast expanse of wild grass and gorse. You'll realise just how high you are when snow makers line the road”. 

Buttertubs Pass: 8/10

“This giant Buttertubs Pass is a brilliant climb; alpine-style zig-zag hairpins; the gradient is a fearsome 25%.”

Fleet Moss: 9/10 

"The road steepens relentlessly, leaving nowhere to hide as you click through the gears hoping to find a large enough sprocket to keep moving”

Kidstones: 5/10

“The climb snakes between the drystone walls and continues hard all the way to the top”.

Greets Moss: 6/10 

“Of the two ways that link Swaledale and Wensleydale, the best climb is via Greets Moss”.

Simon’s books are the hall of fame for cycling climbs across the world, with books on Spain, the Alps, Italy and more - alongside the all-important bible; Cycling Climbs of Yorkshire. Simon’s app allows you to find climbs, get their stats and log your progress to “ride them all”.


“Borderlands is well-marked, great feed station with top notch gels and bars, brilliant pre and post atmosphere. These big rides are much better when part of an event, when you share your experience with others, it drives you on all the more and I’ll certainly be back,” says Simon.

"If you're looking for perfectly curated routes through EPIC scenery packed with leg breaking climbs and breathtaking descents then look no further than Struggle Events.”

Struggle Borderlands 2025 takes places on 13th September 2025. You can register for Struggle Borderlands here. Use the 100 Climbs app to log your summit bagging. 

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