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Discover Malham Cove Cycling Climb

Discover Malham Cove Cycling Climb

Weave your way between the drystone walls, remembering to leave something in the tank for the later stage of this cruel climb of two halves.

Malham Cove Yorkshire cycling climb

The Cove Road

The Cove Road, as it’s known by locals, is the steeper of your two get-outs from the village of Malham. Ignore the righthand road inviting you to Malham Tarn and force yourself left.

This notorious Yorkshire cycling climb is located at mile 38 on Struggle Dales sportive. The scenery surrounding Malham is famous for its drystone walls cutting through the landscape. It’s these suffocating restraints that form your narrow pathway up and over the hills.

As the road twists and turns it just gets steeper. And being a hotspot for Sunday drivers there’s no room to snake across the road. It’s straight up - all the way.

Malham Cove Yorkshire cycling climb

Don't Miss the Vista

After a lung-busting mile you’ll reach the end of the steepest section of the Malham climb and are rewarded with a breathtaking (excuse the pun) view of Malham Cove.

No matter how exhausted you are don’t forget to look up at one of the most stunning vistas in Yorkshire.

Some would say your Struggle up Malham ends there, but our sportive route leaves a nasty sting in the tail.

Malham Cove Yorkshire cycling climb

Spot the 20%

Settle your stomach and reduce your speed for the rollercoaster descent featuring a sheer drop down a crevasse in the hillside to your right.

Then the road surface becomes rugged and Yorkshire's drystone walls begin to close in on you again.

Approaching from the distance is what can only be described as a mini alpine pass snaking up through the hills ahead. Inviting you up is a 20% sign.

Be sure to keep left on this super-steep ramp; here the gradient is more forgiving. Get yourself over this nasty kick without expending too much energy and you’ll be able to sit down and pace yourself through the S-shaped climb before you.

 Fancy taking on Malham Cove? Sign up to Struggle Dales

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