Results - Struggle Dales 2022

Congratulations to everyone who completed Struggle Dales 2022. Here you'll find the results: Struggle Dales 2022 >>

Struggle Dales Yorkshire sportive chip timing results


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  • I’m not going to lie, I’m shattered, but what a sense of achievement.

    Thank you to all the support staff and the people that make this happen, because you all did a great job in very challenging conditions.

    • Nick Young
  • My result is missing, number 312. great event by the way

    • grainger
  • Dear Sir/Madam
    Having checked the chip times I am unable to find a time for myself number 891 has there been a problem?

    • Graham Wilkinson
  • Hi Struggle

    Great event today, great route and good all round support. It’s been a pleasure to ride around Yorkshire and see some great views of the lovely countryside. No amount of training can compare you for this event unless you have rode it before. You must gear up for it probably a 11/32 and not a 11/28. See you next year Struggle. One word Brutal.🤙🚴

    • Russell Cavens