Struggle — Struggle Moors

Struggle Moors Photos 2024

Struggle Moors Photos 2024

Struggle Moors Photos 2023. Find your complimentary pain face and awesome new profile picture to show off your achievement. Find your image in real-time specific albums based on when you climbed Rosedale Chimney.

Training Tips: How To Taper for Struggle

Training Tips: How To Taper for Struggle

The actions you take between now and Sunday could spark the different between ‘Gold’ and ‘Just Got Round’. Get your training right in the week leading up to the Struggle Dales Yorkshire sportive by tapering like a pro.

Struggle Moors Chip Timing Results 2022

Struggle Moors Chip Timing Results 2022

Congrats to everyone who completed Struggle Moors 2022. Here you'll find the official chip timing results.

News: Rider Reviews: Struggle Moors Route

News: Rider Reviews: Struggle Moors Route

We asked last year's gallant Struggle Moors' riders to review this super-tough sportive route. Read post-ride reviews of this monster parcours here... 

Byland Abbey on Struggle Moors sportive in Yorkshire Moors

Simon Plant 5*****“Pure evil.... evil genius”

“WOW, what an impressive route. Everything from sign-in, signage, staff and tech help at feed-stations, and helpful marshals to post-ride food/drink was impeccable.

“Putting Rosedale Chimney at the end was just pure evil.... evil genius. A ride I will remember and re-review for many years to come. Thanks to all organisers and staff...

News: Cycling Weekly tackles Struggle Moors sportive route

News: Cycling Weekly tackles Struggle Moors sportive route

Rating it 10/10 for toughness, Cycling Weekly says: “Struggle Moors is a test of mental and physical abilities. It will have you working hard up until the bitter end.” Read the full review here...

Cycling Weekly reviews Struggle Moors sportive in the North Yorkshire Moors

A masochistic march over the North York Moors

When you think of cycling in Yorkshire, it’s more than likely the Dales spring to mind, with narrow lanes flanked by drystone...